Over the next few weeks we will be making changes to the Lawyers4u site pages.

Our services will remain as before but simply with a new look for the new year.


Intention to be Legally Bound Advice Online

Fast, confidential, legal advice online; from UK qualified barristers. Get an answer tailored to your exact legal problem for just £25.

Intention to be Legally Bound Explained

The second element required for the formation of a valid simple contract is the Intention to be Legally Bound. However, the courts have recognised that some agreements, such as those contained within advertisements, by their very nature are not intended to be legally binding. In others, the parties may expressly declare or indicate they do not intend to form contractual relations.

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Sample Questions

  • “… my sister and I who live together in the same house… had an agreement whereby she would pay for the weekly shop one week … I another… lately she has refused to honour this agreement… stating she will buy her own goods… leaving me to do the shopping every week…she now refuses to even discuss the matter…”


  • “…I and three other people car share to work with me as the driver…we all agreed to share petrol costs at the end of the month… two of the people involved have been transferred to other departments in different parts of the city and no longer travel …I have sent them countless emails asking for the money for the petrol expenses but have had no reply…”



You have chosen Intention to be Legally Bound, which is summarised to the left.

Read through the sample questions included. If your legal problem sounds similar click the button labelled - 'Get Legal Advice'

You will then be invited to complete a simple form and submit payment, using a credit or debit card.

Once we have received your question, you will receive an email with further information.

This advice service is intended for reference only and should not be used in lieu of full legal counsel.
See Terms and Conditions for full details.