Over the next few weeks we will be making changes to the Lawyers4u site pages.

Our services will remain as before but simply with a new look for the new year.


Children: Dispute Resolution Advice Online

Fast, confidential, legal advice online; from UK qualified barristers. Get an answer tailored to your exact legal problem for just £25.

Children: Dispute Resolution Explained

Other than adoption and an order warding a child, all former orders that related to the upbringing of a child have been swept away by the Children Act. New guardianship schemes have been created and new parental responsibility orders for unmarried fathers implemented. Most importantly, four orders: a residence order, a contact order, a prohibited steps order and a specific issues order are now available.

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Sample Questions

  • “…my former partner refuses to let me have any access to our 3 year old son…she says it is in his [our sons] best interest… I disagree…what can I do…”


  • “…my wife and I are separated…but it is cordial and we still have a respectful situation…that is except for one thing…my wife who has recently undergone what I can only describe as a religious renaissance, wishes to have our children …aged 9 and 11, baptised in a born again Christian ceremony…I am utterly opposed to this…but she is adamant about the ceremony and the children live with her…colleagues at work have told me about a prohibited steps order…is this right for my circumstance…”



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This advice service is intended for reference only and should not be used in lieu of full legal counsel.
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